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Campus Commute Strategies

How to Optimize and Implement Effective Solutions

Campus Commute Strategies

In this current three-blog series, I’m exploring the benefits of tech-enabled shared ride solutions for colleges and universities using flexigo. In my last flexiBlog, I discussed the concept of the campus commute and the various alternatives to traditional methods most commonly deployed at schools across the country. In this second flexiBlog in the series, I will focus on how to optimize and implement effective campus commute strategies. 

Optimizing campus commute strategies involves understanding the problems, exploring innovative solutions, and implementing a well-structured plan. Today, I’ll guide you through these steps, emphasizing the role of flexigo in developing customized solutions for any campus environment.

What are Campus Commute Problems?


Campus commute challenges include traffic congestion, limited parking, high emissions, and the financial burden of maintaining extensive transportation infrastructure. These issues not only affect the day-to-day operations of a campus but also have long-term implications for sustainability and community wellbeing.

Alternative Commute Methods for Campus: Options and Innovations

Addressing campus commute problems requires innovative solutions that help make campus commutes more efficient, safer, more environmentally friendly, and easier to use.

  • Dynamic Shuttles: Real-time adjustments to routes can significantly reduce waiting times and improve efficiency.

  • On-Demand Services: Providing flexible, on-demand shuttle services can reduce the need for personal vehicles.

  • Shared Mobility Options: Encouraging vanpools, carpools, and bike-sharing programs can lower the number of vehicles on the road.

  • Technology Integration: Utilizing apps and platforms to streamline the planning, operation, and reporting of commute options can enhance efficiency and user experience.

    Developing and Implementing an Effective Campus Commute Strategy

    To create an effective campus commute strategy, there are clear steps that need to be taken. In each case, flexigo has the tools and expertise to assist in the development of the ideal customized solution for any campus environment.

    1. Assessment: Conduct surveys and studies to understand current commuting patterns and needs.

    2. Planning: Develop a comprehensive plan that includes a mix of transportation options.

    3. Implementation: Roll out the plan in phases, starting with pilot programs to test and refine solutions.

    4. Evaluation: Continuously monitor and assess the effectiveness of the implemented strategies, making adjustments as needed.

    5. Engagement: Involve the campus community in the planning and decision-making process to ensure buy-in and participation.


    By focusing on innovative and flexible commute solutions, colleges and universities can address their transportation challenges effectively. In the final flexiBlog of our series, I will explore how flexigo can transform campus commutes from basic solutions to strategic implementation.


By Dave Gallon - Managing Director US, flexigo