Demand-based grouping, routing and digitally managed vanpools
Take your manually organized vanpools to the next level with our automated vanpool configuration and management solution. If you are considering starting a new vanpool program, manage it digitally from day one to maximize your ridership while minimizing your overhead.

Allow your team members to opt into a new way of commuting. Our vanpool solutions help organize the most efficient groups and routes, and our automated platform tools make manual reporting a thing of the past.
Simplifying onboarding, demand collection, cluster identification, and routing allow flexiVanpool to make vanpools easier to launch and manage. Unlike traditional vanpools, our dynamic routing engine generates routes closer to riders' homes, making the service much more convenient, comfortable and safer to use. This all adds up to higher adoption amongst employees resulting in lower costs and emissions per rider.
How flexiVanpool Works
Users register on the flexigo mobile app and indicate their interest in being a rider or driver of a vanpool.
They identify the location of their home and office location, as well as their typical workplace arrival and departure times.

Users who declare their interest in vanpools are tagged by the system and are grouped according to their work schedules.
Administrators view the corresponding clusters of vanpool riders and drivers with the flexigo Optimization Engine's map visualization tool. They can also manually add stops, assign stops to riders and create vanpool routes for groups of riders directly from the Optimization Engine interface.

The Optimization Engine will generate routes with a single click. Route optimization takes into account the maximum walking distance from riders’ homes to their virtual stops, occupancy ratios, and vehicle cost. The resulting route suggestions can be manually edited, if needed.
Unlike conventional single-stop vanpool routes, flexiVanpool’s optimized routes generate multiple pickup points closer to riders' homes, improving usability, adoption, and retention of riders.

Riders and Drivers are provided with route details through the flexigo app once a vanpool route is finalized by the Administrator. Both riders and drivers are asked to provide final confirmation that they are willing to participate to ensure that all routes meet minimum vanpool size requirements.* (*Vanpool size requirements vary by region and municipality.)

Administrators assign vehicles to routes once the confirmation process is complete. Administrators can also add vehicles and their documentation directly to the system or choose to have this done by the leasing company. Vehicle insurance and related documents’ expiration dates are tracked by the system. Upon vehicle assignment, Administrators activate the route and the related riders and driver are provided with the final details through the flexigo app.

Ride Tracking
Riders access their route information, see their next rides, track their vanpool in real time and receive notifications when their van is approaching their pickup point, all directly from the app. Drivers of vanpools get navigation information to their scheduled stops, view rider information for each stop, notify riders about their absence and report any vehicle damage all within the app.

QR Check-In
Riders use the quick QR check-in process in the flexigo mobile app to validate their attendance. This allows for automated compliance report creation by logging the check-in time and location of each rider on the system

Alternative Route Search
Riders can search for available seats on other vanpool routes if they are coming from or going to somewhere other than their typical pickup or dropoff locations. Reservations can be made for either a single trip or for multiple days.

Management and Reporting
Administrators have access to a wide variety of functions and tools through the flexigo web portal. They can;
- Track vanpools in real-time
- View departure and arrival times of each trip
- Access dashboards and automated reports for cost, emissions and duration per ride and mile
- Access ridership attendance for internal and external reporting
- View number of planned and active riders on each route
- Track vehicle documentation compliance
- Ensure that all vanpools are compliant with regulations by adding new riders to an existing vanpool when realtime notifications of ridership falling below allowed limit are received
- Manage rider requests through ticketing system
Benefits of flexiVanpool
Easy enrollment, simple access, communications tools, high levels of employee engagement, convenient reporting, and reduced commuting costs all lead to a win-win solution for your organization and your employees. Vanpool has been a tried-and-true shared commute solution for years, but flexiVanpool can help take things to the next level by delivering these benefits…
Eliminate the need for manual development, tracking and reporting of vanpool groups.
Increase adoption through user cluster identification and easy registration process.
Improve rider experience though the in-app support system.
Reduce reporting burden with automated attendance checks and digital reporting tools.
Lower administrative overhead related to vanpool management.
Set goals and track progress on ridership, cost and emissions improvements.
Easily search, find and join existing vanpools on the rider app.
Seamlessly request a pickup location close to your home or a new route more suitable for you.
Check in for each ride easily through the app to ensure incentives and rewards are delivered to you quickly and accurately.
See how much time, money and emissions you save by switching from driving to vanpool directly in the app.
Simplify your vanpool reporting requirements with automated report creation tools.
Access a multimodal commuter service that allows you to switch between vanpool and other shared mobility solutions on the fly.